Monday, May 17, 2010

YouTube & Support Network

I must be obessed or something; I was up last night until almost midnight!  I can't stop thinking about my upcoming surgery.  I added a countdown clock to my Facebook profile, addicted to YouTube videos with other ladies VLOGing their own journeys, and now I just joined a super exclusive and private network/support group online at Many of the woman on YouTube promoted the support group and encourgaged joining for those of planning to have surgery.  I am soooooo glad I found these women on YouTube and thankful that they were all brave enough to document their journeys from Pre-Op through months of recovery.  They all have definately made me even more confident of my decision to move forward. 

I will post Pre-Op pictures very soon.  I need to get my hubby off his tush so he can take my pics.  I have a few outfits that I really liked when I bought but never wore because of my unattrative bulges and small (to me) chest.  I plan to take before pics of me wearing these outfits and then after to document the payoff (for me).

Thank you for following me on this journey!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Consultation for Mommy Makeover

So I went for my consultation on May 10th at North Valley Plastic Surgery.  From the moment I sat down in the waiting area I got a sense of optimism.  We discussed my primary area of concern which is my tummy plus the desire of breast augementation.

After the consult I continued to think about how comfortable I felt with Dr. Heffel and the staff.  I've been putting off taking action for 3 years now due to time and finances but this time I made the decision to just do it.  Time and money will always be a concern anyways.

I had my son 5 years ago.  I gained 36 pounds during my pregnancy.  I was able to lose quite a bit fairly quickly however not all of it.  In the spring of 2008 I decided to make a lifestyle change and change my eating habits.  I was able to reach my pre-prego weight in about 12 weeks.  I have since maintained it and right now I'm about 10 pounds away from my ideal weight.  I'm 5' and currently weigh 116 lbs.  Although I feel a ton better in my clothes then 2 years ago I'm just not completely happy due to the excess skin under my belly button.

With the support of my hubby, both of my parents, and several dear friends, I have scheduled surgery for July 1st 2010.  I have my pre-op appointment scheduled for 6/17.  Please come back to visit as I document my journey.